Respect – August
Treating people with dignity and honor.
Accept other people’s differences.
Do not judge other people.
Only say nice things to other people.
Listen and pay attention to what people have to say.
Do not take or hurt things that belong to other people.
Obey the people who are in charge of you.
Responsibility - September
Doing the right thing at the right time in the right way.
Use self-control.
Always do your best.
Be accountable for your choices.
Think before you act and talk…consider the consequences.
Safety – October
Being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.
Use walking feet.
Keep hand and feet to yourself.
Keep your area clean.
Stay where adults can see you.
Follow directions.
Only eat your food.
Gratitude – November
Being thankful for your life as it is.
Celebrate even the smallest things.
See the little things that happen each day as something special.
When things go wrong, keep a positive attitude.
Generosity – December
Giving your time, energy or resources to others.
Being kind, considerate, and loving.
Giving to others because you want to.
Sharing without wanting something back.
Optimism – January
Seeing the world with a good attitude.
Expect good things to happen.
Continue to look for the solution to a problem, don't give up.
Look Forward to the future happily.
Kindness – February
Caring about things or people that you meet.
Doing things to make other people happy.
Do nice things without being asked.
Practice Random Acts of Kindness.
Determination – March
Working hard to complete a task, to achieve a goal, or make a dream come true.
Do what you know is right even when others don’t want you to.
Be patient.
Keep trying, even when it get difficult.
Don’t give up even if you fail the first time.
Courage – April/May
The ability to do something that is challenging or difficult, especially when you are afraid
Do what is right and trying new things.
Find ways to overcome roadblocks.
Learn from mistakes and move forward.
